Sunday, August 19, 2012

TCW Chapter 1: Lion Cub

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Are you prepared for The Coming Wrath?

Come visit the earth as it was almost five thousand years ago, before the world wide flood destroyed the entire face of the planet. Experience the tsunami nightmare of the beautiful Madrazi, the hammering sounds of ark construction, the slaying of a dinosaur, one-on-one combat, men dying in battle, action on the high seas. Be with Madrazi as she meets the Creator in the depths of her soul.

 → Download the Chapter 1 podcast episode at Podiobooks or iTunes
or for advanced listening options: Listening to Audio Book Podcasts 101

Ancient army standing at the walls of a fortress
In Chapter 1, Madrazi remembers back 5-1/2 centuries to when she was young. The ice is still advancing, and her descendants have moved south to live their own truth. With her scroll in front of her she recalls when … the young Nephilim boy Sechiall was captured in battle by the warlord Delonias.

Discuss this chapter with us below, or here:


  1. The Prologue describes an ice age 5-1/2 centuries after the global flood. Is this scientifically plausible? Check out Is an Ice Age Plausible 5-1/2 Centuries After the Flood?

  2. Sechiall is described as a young Nephilim boy. The idea of Nephilim is based on the Bible, see Who were the Nephilim?
