Sunday, August 19, 2012

TCW Chapter 41: Jeriah's Choice

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Shem’s breathless return. We have one hour! Flee to the forest? Noah says no! We will obey the Creator and go into the ark. The attackers arrive. Sechiall’s challenge. Noah’s answer: Look to the sky! Madrazi beckons to Jeriah to join them. The ground shakes, water from the air, is it the end?
 → Download the Chapter 41 podcast episode at Podiobooks or iTunes
or for advanced listening options: Listening to Audio Book Podcasts 101

Discuss this chapter with us below, or here:


  1. The Bible says that at the end of one hundred and fifty days, the flood waters decreased. How could that be? See: Where Did All the Water Go?

  2. The Earth looks like such a beautiful place, was there really a catastrophic world-wide flood? See: Where Is the Evidence in the Earth for Noah’s Flood?
